Tree Tapping Begins at Mooney Hill Maples – Maple Season is Here!

Today marked the official kickoff of maple season at Mooney Hill Maples in Silver Lake, NH! With moderating temperatures on the horizon, our dedicated team of maple sugaring enthusiasts—affectionately known as the maple minions—came together to take on the exciting task of tree tapping. This essential step sets the stage for an incredible season of producing pure New Hampshire maple syrup, crafted with care and tradition.

Despite the deep snow making the work more challenging, our team worked tirelessly to expand our main sap line and tap trees, ensuring that when the sap starts flowing, we are ready to collect and boil it down into rich, golden Mooney Hill Maples syrup. Tree tapping is where it all begins, marking the start of weeks of hard work and sweet rewards. The rhythmic process of drilling, tapping, and setting lines is a time-honored tradition that connects us to generations of maple sugaring in New Hampshire.

As we gear up for the season, we are also looking forward to NH Maple Weekend on March 15 & 16, 2025! Mooney Hill Maples is proud to be part of the Tamworth Area Maple Map, a collaborative effort among local NH Maple Producers to provide visitors with an unforgettable maple experience. Join us during Maple Weekend to witness the sugaring process firsthand, enjoy delicious maple treats, and learn more about how sap is transformed into the best maple syrup in New Hampshire.

We are beyond grateful for our hardworking team and can’t wait to share the sweetness of maple season with you. Stay tuned for updates, and be sure to visit us at Mooney Hill Maples in Silver Lake, NH for the freshest, locally made maple syrup and an authentic maple sugaring experience! 🍁

#TreeTapping #MapleSugaring #MapleSeason #MapleSyrup #MooneyHillMaples #SilverLakeNH #NHMapleWeekend #TamworthAreaMapleMap #NHMapleProducers

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